Inspire 3M,  LLC

Culturally Responsive Coaching 


Curated Leadership Tools 

Debbie Armendariz is an award winning leadership coach and course creator with over 25 years experience in public schools.  Her approach to supporting leaders is both facilitative and directive.  She'll ask you questions to help you reflect and give you advice, tools, and strategies to support you along your leadership journey.  You can access some of her LinkedIn Live Events below and more here.

Top 10 Mistakes of Educational Leaders

How to Disagree Without being Disagreeable

How to Give Critical Feedback When You Need Behavior to Change (AKA: Scaffolds for cold feedback)

Frequently Asked Questions:

What does the "3M" in Inspire 3M stand for?  

The 3 M's are Model, Manage Mobilize.  The 3M Framework, developed by Debbie, organizes research and theory on pedagogy and leadership into a sequential set of action steps and questions for reflection that keep leaders grounded in effective leadership practices.  You can learn more about the 3M Framework in this LinkedIn Article.

What are Curated Leadership Tools as defined by Inspire 3M LLC?

Leadership Tools are essential resources for leaders, offering templates and protocols to enhance their core responsibilities. These tools aid in planning difficult conversations, reflecting on meetings, and inspecting the role of culture.  They are sourced from diverse fields like education, business, communications, equity, and leadership coaching, with some crafted by the founder of Inspire 3M LLC. Each Leadership Tool  is encapsulated in a descriptive card outlining a specific leadership action, guiding individuals towards more productive and equity-focused interactions with their team and community. 

Have more questions?  Email us at