Inspire 3M, LLC
Culturally Responsive Coaching
Curated Leadership Tools
If you are an educational leader eager to learn and grow, you've come to the right place! My mission is to support leaders like you. While I still hold a full time job as a Principal, I make time for mentoring and supporting new and aspiring leaders. In this website, you'll find resources and tools to help you along your leadership journey. If you're looking for individualized support, just click the button below and we'll get scheduled.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How is Debbie's coaching different?
Debbie is an award-winning leadership coach with over 25 years of experience in public schools. As a bilingual Latina and immigrant, Debbie also has the lived experience to unveil how dominant culture operates as a hidden force of social power. Do you struggle with sticky conversations? Debbie has tools that will help you make your message clear while maintaining connection with the people you aim to lead. Her approach to supporting leaders is both facilitative and directive. She'll ask you questions to help you reflect and give you advice, tools, and strategies to support you along your leadership journey.
What does the "3M" in Inspire 3M stand for?
The 3 M's are Model, Manage Mobilize. The 3M Framework, developed by Debbie, organizes research and theory on pedagogy and leadership into a sequential set of action steps and questions for reflection that keep leaders grounded in effective leadership practices. You can learn more about the 3M Framework in this LinkedIn Article.
What are Curated Leadership Tools?
Leadership Tools are essential resources for leaders and include templates, language and protocols to enhance your core responsibilities. These tools are invaluable for preparing for challenging discussions, planning for change, and evaluating the impact of culture. They are sourced from various industries such as business, communications, and psychology. Many are developed by Debbie herself. Together they form the Leadership Tool Card Deck. You can download a free sample here.
Have more questions? Email us at
FREE RESOURCES: In this website you'll find links to free downloadable tools and videos that will support you. Look around and let me know what you think.